Squid Fishing Gears & Skill
Squid fishing is very popular in WA and FL from early autumn to late winter. In MA, squid fishing can be very productive from the summer. You don’t need fancy gears, a 500WT light, a long light fishing rod and a few high quality BASHI Squid Jigs, you are good to go!
Skill – Tips for beginner
This video talks about how to do squid fishing in Puget sound, WA. However, the skill and gears part should also apply to FL, MA and NY.
Gears – Squid Jig
A long crappie rod will work, a 5 WT fly rod will work. The most important thing is: You need the Bashi Squid Jig!
Squid Fishing Guidance
I wrote below information based on my serveral years of squid fishing experience in Washington state, the Gears and How part should also apply to MA, FL and NY.
- When: In Washington state, most angler start to fish for squid from October when the winter squid start to show up. However, you can get the summer squid from early July, and in some years, the summer squid fishing can be really great; Most of squid start to bite just right after the sunset, but in late winter, start form middle of November, you can get them at day time; And the incoming tide is always a good time for squid fishing, it could last around 2 hours after the high tide.
- Where: In Washington state, you can find them at Port Angeles city pier, Edmonds city fishing pier, Les Davis pier, Des Monies pier, Alki beach and piers at downtown Seattle(Pier 69, Pier 70 …)
- Gears: Squid bites very light, so you will need a sensitive rod to feel the bite, and you may want a longer rod to avoid those piles around pier too. I am using a 9ft 5wt fly rod, but a 9ft light crappie rod should work great too. Talking about the reel and line, any reel between 2000 to 3000 should be good, and I am using a 8lb test line on a 2000 reel; Another thing is, Squid are attracted by light, so that’s why you will see a lot of lights when doing squid fishing, I am using a 500W flood LED light powered by a Honda 2200I generator, but if the water is not too far away from the pier(Like Alki beach), a 100W light should work too. The most important thing for squid fishing is: You need to get the high quality glow in dark squid jigs, I designed a batch of squid jigs which very efficient, you can order them through my eBay shop, or, if you want to pick up from Kirkland, just send me a email or text me.
- How: A lot of people say squid fishing is pure luck, does not require skill, well, that’s not true. Here is what I do: Throw the jig about 40ft away, and let it sink back to the pier, and you want to keep the line tight during the process, if all in a sudden, you feel the line get lighter, that could be a squid, just reel in quickly. If there is no bite during this process, I will feel the bottom of the sea bad, then I will reel back about 3 ft, jig for 3 to 5 times, and then reel back another 3 ft. If squid bites on your jigs, you will feel the weight change of your line, either lighter(Squid push up the jig) or heavier(They are hooked), just reel in quickly at that time. And squid don’t fight like fish, so it feels like a small snag or a bigger seaweed.
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Mail: bashilure@gmail.com
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